The Review Post | Max Factor Masterpiece Transform Mascara

Hey Beauties!

Mascara is one product that I use everyday and I really don't feel ready or even awake without a few slicks on top of my tired lashes. 
Max Factor mascaras are something that get slightly overlooked in my opinion, with more attention seemingly being given to brands like Maybelline. 
Max Factor have released quite a few products lately and I have been enjoying trying them out, none more so than their *Masterpiece Transform Mascara*.
Read on to see what I thought!

What They Say
This revolutionary new mascara instantly creates darker, bigger and more dramatic lashes thanks to the new instant impact wand. 
This small brush captures and volumises every lash effortlessly, with rows of rotating bristles ensuring that every lash is brushed through, captured and coated. 
This all results in thicker and fuller lashes!

What I Say
I like the packaging of this mascara, the black and gold colours give a certain luxe feel which I love. 
This mascara has a plastic bristle wand that is really flexible so does a good job of getting into those inner corners, making for a more even application. 
I found that this product gave my lashes lots of volume without clumping or going spidery on me and also gave some length so it makes a good day to night mascara in my opinion.
At the end of the day, this mascara was easy enough to remove with my usual micellar water and didn't crumble or flake onto my face during the day which is certainly a plus. 
Having said that, if you like to layer your mascara or prefer a more defined and separated lash look then this wouldn't really be for you. 
So I would recommend this mascara but only to those that want a fuss-free mascara that applies in only one coat to give volumised lashes mainly. 
Check it out guys!

Before + After using this mascara :)

The Max Factor Masterpiece Transform Mascara is available in Boots and Superdrug.

What do you think?

What's your favourite mascara?

Stay Beautiful! xoxo
*PR Sample
  1. I love the packaging and I love the wand as well. It makes your lashes look great!

  2. Looks like a great mascara!


  3. Looks really good, never know whether to buy Max Factor products as they are a little pricey x

  4. it is looking really good on, good to know thst it does not flake
    Keep in touch


Thanks so much for all your lovely comments :) Stay beautiful! xoxo