The Review Post | Burt's Bees Sensitive Facial Cleansing Wipes

Hey Beauties!

When it comes to my beauty routines, I'm all about convenience so it's safe to say that I'm a big fan of face wipes. 
Don't get me wrong, I do like to double cleanse which means I just use wipes to take off makeup and then cleanse again with a proper cleanser to clean my face properly. 

Burt's Bees are a brand that I have a lot of love for so when I got to test out their *Sensitive Face Wipes* recently, I certainly had high hopes for them!

What They Say
In one step, these wipes promise to remove makeup while also cleansing and toning your face.
They are formulated with Cotton Extract to soften your skin, Rice Extract to moisturize and Aloe to calm skin making each wipe as gentle as possible. 

What I Say
I like the packaging of these wipes and like that they're not strongly scented as that can be off-putting with face products. 
Like I said, I use these to take off my makeup before cleansing and really enjoyed using them. 
I found that they took off my makeup easily without dragging at my face and they didn't leave my skin feeling dry either. 
All in all, I love using these and will use them up so check them out guys!

The Burt's Bees Sensitive Facial Cleansing Wipes are available from Boots, Debenhams and Online here

What do you think?

Are you a fan of face wipes?

Stay Beautiful! xoxo
*PR Sample
  1. they are great!!!xoxo

  2. i think we don't have this product in italy but these facial cleansing are so good

  3. Burt's bee has great products!!!


  4. Hello from Spain: great review. I like burts bees. Keep in touch

  5. Great :)

  6. they sound so good, i must check them out
    Keep in touch

  7. going to have to look in to trying these out.


Thanks so much for all your lovely comments :) Stay beautiful! xoxo