The Pamper Post | A Bath Time Rediscovery

Hey Beauties!

I am a huge fan of bath time, there's just something about laying in hot, sweet-smelling water that makes all my worries and stress fade away. 
It's because of this fact that people are so surprised when they hear that I've never used a bath product from Lush (I know, I know!).
I must admit that I find them to be a little expensive for what they are, in Ireland at least, but have been tempted lately to try a bath bomb or something. 

As if reading my mind, my very thoughtful boyfriend gave me some amazing Pixy bath bombs as part of my anniversary present and the child in me couldn't wait to see what happened at bath time!

The scent from these bath bombs is amazing and they have either pieces of lavender in them (perfect for before bed time) or little flecks of glitter. 

I love using these beauties, they fill my bathroom with scent and colour the water as well (a girly girls dream!).

What do you think?

Do you guys have any Lush recommendations for me?

Stay Beautiful! xoxo
  1. I wonder if they smell good. <3


  2. Great product :)

  3. not shocked , i have neverr ussed any lush product too , they are extreamly costly in india.
    these look so tempting , i wanna try one too

  4. Oeeh they look lovely!

  5. They sure looked good. When I was in Australia bout 2 months ago, I walked into the Lush store because these bath bombs caught my attention. In about 5 minutes I walked out because my nose just couldn't take it any longer. The scent is a little overwhelming for me. Probably it's just me. I've seen many people loving Lush stores. Probably I would need to buy these bath bombs online (if they have one).


Thanks so much for all your lovely comments :) Stay beautiful! xoxo