The Beauty Post | Fight Frizz With Hairy Jayne

Hey Beauties!

I have had a love/hate relationship with my hair for a long time now and, I'm happy to report, that it's mainly love at the moment. 
After eliminating heat from my routine over a year ago, using plenty of nourishing products and giving up the dye, my hair has had a makeover and is starting to look shiny, healthy and a world away from before.

One thing I still struggle with though is frizz, I don't know if it's because my hair is still dehydrated or what but I am getting sick of the sight of flyaways.
I feel like they totally spoil a good hair look no matter how glossy your locks may look.

Hairy Jayne are a haircare company that I have featured on here before and they have come to the rescue of us frizzy gals with some top frizz-fighting tips. 

What Causes Frizz?
Summer and Winter can both be bad times of the year for frizz due to everything from heat to rain.
The first main cause is Humidity: this is the amount of water vapour in the air and also the drizzle we sometimes get. 
Another reason is Hair Dryness: this is a lack of moisture inside the actual hair strand due to sun damage, too much styling/colouring or just because the hair is naturally dry. 
Ever wonder why those lone white hairs stick up?
This is because white hair gets drier when it loses it's pigment, making it more prone to frizz.

How Do I Manage Frizz?
1. Shampoo less frequently, every 2 days at the most but less if you can.
If this is hard for you then try out some dry shampoo between washes or just condition every 2nd wash instead of shampoo. 
2. Try air dry your hair when possible, squeeze out excess water but don't rub with the towel as this will lead to frizz.
Use a wide-toothed comb or vent brush to get rid of tangles, put in your product then shake out and go. 

3. If you have to blowdry, then use a heat protector!
This barrier will prevent the hair getting dryer and it will also weather-proof it against humid conditions.
Also when blowdrying, do it in at least 2 sections (the underneath first then the top) so that the top won't get over-dry.
Always use the hair dryer on the coolest setting if you can and concentrate on getting the roots dry first.

4. If you have curly or wavy hair then use a diffuser, this will disturb your natural texture less and keep the waves/curls from breaking up and going crazy.
Use your fingers instead of a brush to twist the curls to get them to smooth out and don't brush curly hair once it's dry.

5. If you have frizzy straight hair, then make sure the nozzle is pointing downward when you blow dry, whether you're using a brush or fingers.
Use the cold blast on the dryer at the end to set the hair and get rid of any static. 

6. Once your hair is dry, use a serum to get rid of any remaining frizz.
If you find serums too heavy for your hair, then try a shine spray, this is like hairspray but without the sticky hold.

7. In products, the best frizz repellants are silicones, which are found in pretty much all serums. 
If they aren't for you, then anything moisturizing will do wonders and Hairy Jayne have some beauties in this department!

Any Quick Fixes For Emergencies?
If you find yourself needing to get rid of frizz quick, then try some of these:
1. Olive Oil - The tiniest bit rubbed into your fingers and smoothed over affected bits will add a moisture boost. 
2. Moisturizer (same as above).
3. Vaseline type lip balm (not the waxy kind) - Not to be used all the time but ok for an emergency..
4. Dryer Sheet - This works best on straight hair, patting this on the head removes static from the hair the same as it does with clothes.

Click here to check out Hairy Jayne!

What do you think?

Did you find this helpful?

Any other tips for me?

Stay Beautiful! xoxo
  1. Great post! You explained it very well!


  2. Great!
    Have a nice day, kisses;*


  3. Love this post :)

  4. Great tips!


  5. girl u did the best by eliminating heat out of your hair routine
    i hardely use heat and always air dry my hair
    great tips , i need to try out the dryer sheets
    keep in touch

  6. What a helpful tips. :)


Thanks so much for all your lovely comments :) Stay beautiful! xoxo