The Review Post | Little White Lie Instant Fake Tan

Hey Beauties!

Being a massive fake tan addict for years now, it's not often that I come across a brand that I haven't tried.
My favourites range from the budget friendly St. Moritz to the purse-shattering St. Tropez and, on the rare occasion that I find a new brand, I love nothing more than putting it to the test. 

The latest tan to be put through it's paces is the *Instant Fake Tan from Little White Lie* so read on to see if it joined the ranks among my fake tan arsenal.

What They Say
This wash-off tan is all you need to rock glowing, healthy skin. 
Apply just a little of this product for an instant all-over glow that will see you through the night in style. 
The next morning, it promises to be easy to remove with just a little soap and water. 

What I Say
I like the packaging of this tan and think it's totally travel-friendly due to it being in a compact squeezy tube. 
It has a pleasant fresh scent and applies nice and easily with a fake tanning mitt. 
I would say this is a good beginner's tan as it's easy to apply, blends out great and doesn't streak in the slightest. 
I was left with a natural-looking tan that wasn't orange at all and washed off easily with some shower gel the next day. 
Check it out guys!

Me wearing one coat of this tan :)

Click here to check out more Little White Lie fake tans!

What do you think?

Are you a fake tan fan?

Stay Beautiful! xoxo

*PR Sample
  1. oh cute..i didn't know this product!!

  2. the tan looks quite natural onn
    keep in touch,

  3. Hello from Spain: I like the natural tan. Great product. Keep in touch

  4. Great review :)

  5. Looks like a nice product.



Thanks so much for all your lovely comments :) Stay beautiful! xoxo