The Review Post | Balmi Lip Balm

Hey Beauties!

I can still remember how much hype the EOS lip balms caused back in the day, they had every blogger contemplating a trip to the states to simply stock up. 
The egg shaped lip balms were definitely one of those it products and it was only a matter of time before other brands followed suit and did their take on it. 

*Balmi* have really hit the nail on the head with their offering, a lip balm in cube form instead and I was lucky enough to be sent some to try out. 
Read on to see what I thought!

What They Say
These lip balms provide SPF 15 and UVA protection, making them an essential accessory for your lips. 
Perfect for sensitive skin, the special blend contains Vitamin E, soothing Shea Butter and Jojoba Oil to leave your lips moisturised and super soft. 

What They Say
I love the dinky packaging of these balms and prefer the little cone shape to the egg shape, it makes it easier to apply the product so you can really get into the corners of your lips. 
The scents are divine, the coconut is a favourite of mine and is going to be perfect for Summer, I also love how you can attach them to your keys so you can stay moisturised on the go. 
They feel really soothing on the lips, my lips are always dry and can get really painful and these babies really keep them in check. 
They make the lips feel nourished and hydrated without feeling greasy, so you really feel like they're doing something and not just being a barrier and sitting on your lips. 
Priced at just €5.99, they're a total bargain!

The Balmi lip balms are available in Boots stores and online here

What do you think?

What's your favourite lip balm?

Stay Beautiful! xoxo
*PR Sample
  1. Oh wow the packaging is just so darn cute


  2. Cute packaging ;)

  3. it's so nice;)xoxo dear

  4. It's all about packaging, isn't it? :)

  5. I love cute lip balms, I have them in various shapes and sizes, and I fell in love with the Eos balm, so was so happy to see this on offer in Boots as a substitute! It is so moisturising and I love it :)


Thanks so much for all your lovely comments :) Stay beautiful! xoxo