The Review Post | Lush Santa Lip Scrub

Hey Beauties!

Lush are a brand that get a lot of coverage and love from bloggers online and I was certainly one of them. 
However, I had only ever tried their shower products and was dying to sample some of the other delights that they offer. 

Their lip scrubs are certainly one of their standout products so when I got the chance to try out the *Santa Lip Scrub*, I was super excited to see what it had to offer my lips!

What They Say
This cola-flavoured lip scrub is all you need to get your lips buffed and ready for Santa or any other lip balm. 
Caster sugar, dates and cherries scrub and soften the lips which gives them the taste of Christmas. 
Completely edible, simply lick off the excess after exfoliating your lips!

What I Say
I love the packaging of these scrubs, they come in cute little glass tubs and are travel-friendly, in my opinion. 
The scent is amazing, lovely and sweet, and there is huge temptation to just eat the tub with a spoon!
I used this on my lips a few times a week and liked that it wasn't a harsh scrub, it did a good job of gently buffing away the dead skin. 
After using this, I was left with soft lips that were all ready to absorb whatever lip balm I put on after.
Check it out guys!

This lip scrub is available in all Lush stores and online here

What do you think?

Have you ever tried a lip scrub?

Stay Beautiful! xoxo
*PR Sample
  1. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW io mi sa che corro a comprarlo ... I prodotti lush sono ottimi e non tutti sanno che anche le labbra hanno bisogno di scrub ... Sembra cosi invitante

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  2. I've heard so many great things about this lush product.


  3. Thanks for the review on this. I been looking for a lip scrub.

  4. recently I bought bublegum lip scrub by lush and somehow I lost it in my house hah. I think I'll have to buy this one asap. also those hearts in it are like a cherry on the top.


Thanks so much for all your lovely comments :) Stay beautiful! xoxo