Website Watch | Romwe.Com Little Black Dress Sale + Coupon Code!!

Hey Beauties!

So I decided to write this post kind of at the last minute as a great new sale has just been brought to my attention!
At this stage, I'm sure a lot of you will have heard about Romwe.Com, the amazing fashion website that is taking the blogging world by storm these days. 
Among one of the most talked about fashion websites on Youtube, Romwe are dedicated to providing you with high-quality items at a reasonable price and with Worldwide Free Shipping, there really is nothing stopping you from treating yourself :)

The exciting part of this article is that Romwe will be putting this beautiful little black dress on sale, perfect for Valentine's Day!
On January 16th for 24 hours only, you can get this beauty for just $27.99, that's up to 35% off!
Also, the lovely people at Romwe have given you guys a great coupon code to get a further 10% off!!
The coupon code is LBD10%off!!

Feast your eyes girls!

Click here to check out the dress!

What do you think?

Will you be checking out Romwe?

Stay Beautiful! xoxo
  1. Beautiful dress!!

  2. Nice :)

  3. We received the email advicing us of this discount but we have got many LBD!


Thanks so much for all your lovely comments :) Stay beautiful! xoxo