Review | Tanatomicals Instant + Self Tan Mousse

Hey Beauties!

I'll keep this intro as non-repetitive as I can, I love fake tan which you guys must know by now and the darker the tan the better in my opinion. 
After trying an extensive array of tanners, I now favour the Mousse types as I feel like they're the easiest to apply and always give a nice colour. 
While looking through my fake tan collection the other day, I realized that the majority of them that I've reviewed on here give a really dark shade and may not be to everyone's taste, especially you paler girls!
So I started a mini-mission to try and find a tan that gave a noticeable colour while still being natural and easy to wear. 

That's where the lovely people at Anatomicals came in!
They recently sent me a couple products from their new tanning range Tanatomicals to try out and, since I'm a fan of the normal Anatomicals range, I couldn't wait to try them out!

What They Say
This Mousse not only provides an instant colour but it also gradually develops into a lovely slightly darker looking tan. 
Formulated with Aloe Vera to keep your skin super soft, this non-streaking product dries quickly so that you can achieve a flawless-looking tan in seconds!

What I Say
I love the packaging of this product and the packaging of Anatomicals products in general, they're just so tongue-in-cheek and fun!
I apply this Mousse with a tanning mitt and it's super easy to apply, giving an instant colour so that you can see where you've applied it therefore minimizing the risk of streaking. 
This tan dried quickly on me and my skin did feel nice and soft afterwards which is always good!
The next day, I did find this tan to be quite a light shade on me which I think makes it perfect for paler girls and those who prefer a more natural daytime tan. 
I like to apply a couple coats of this tan to get a shade that I like so I do think it's totally versatile and can be tailored to suit your tan needs so check it out guys!

My golden glow after using this tan :)

Anatomicals products are available from Superdrug.

What do you think?

What's your favourite fake tan?

Stay Beautiful! xoxo
  1. Looks good. I dont use fake tan, so I dont know.


  2. Looks good! I've never tried on a self tan mousse before, only lotions!


  3. Nice review! :)

  4. Oh my gosh, this sounds amazing. I am super pale, so it's hard to find a tanner that works.

  5. Great review

  6. I know a lot of good products from Anatomicals, so its gonna be the next one I think :)
    Wanna try out this, thanks for the review.


Thanks so much for all your lovely comments :) Stay beautiful! xoxo