Review | Lauren's Way Body Polish

Hey Beauties!

As you guys all know, I'm a huge fake tan addict and have tried almost every brand under the sun. 
One thing I hate about tanning though is how hard it is to get off, usually the tans that are the hardest to remove are the better ones that are more long-wearing. 
I've tried so many body exfoliators and they either didn't get the tan off, especially around the knees, or they left behind a greasy residue. 

Lauren's Way are a brand that I've featured on here before and you guys know that I'm a huge fan of theirs so when they recently sent me their Body Polish to try out, I was super excited!
Read on to see how I got on....

What They Say
Lauren's Way believe that the secret to a great tan is all in the preparation and that means having smooth and prepped skin. 
This Body Polish promises to leave your skin smooth, soft and ready to be bronzed!
This product is formulated with exfoliating crystals that gently remove dead skin cells, leaving  your skin ready to shine!

What I Say
The texture of this product was something totally different for me, it has a lotion-type consistency and I initially thought that it didn't contain any crystals at all as they are so fine and hard to spot. 
This Polish is quite abrasive on the skin which might not be to everyone's taste but I love it as you know that you are getting a really good exfoliation. 
It has a lovely fresh scent and I found that a little went a long way. 
After using this Polish, my skin was so soft without feeling greasy and all traces of tan were removed. 
All in all, I think you guys seriously need to check out this Body Polish if you want silky smooth skin!

Click here to find out more about the Body Polish!

What do you think?

What's your favourite exfoliator?

Stay Beautiful! xoxo
  1. Nice review :)

    New Post Up:

  2. I totally agree with their logic - you have to prep your skin before bronzing. This products sounds amazing, I'll definitely check it out :)!



Thanks so much for all your lovely comments :) Stay beautiful! xoxo